I used to write online since 2 years ago with the clear intention of earning some extra money. Although in the past I have earned enough money on different writing platforms, it seems the time of writing website has fallen and one by one those platforms promoting the free expression of ourselves are falling down and their members remain with the eyes in the sun, finally being not paid at all. Only lost time and enough struggle to find new subject of articles, paying attention to originality and non plagiarism, of course.
I feel bored already navigating through the writing websites, which appeared lately like the mushrooms after rain.
I've read a lot of posts of other writers on writing websites, describing their passion to improve their personal blogs, and even successful stories about earning more money managing the personal blog than writing of public writings platforms. Therefore, after a long meditation I decided to create my own blog and to explore myself the meaning of writing for myself and to attract readers worldwide.
I don't know yet if it will be a successful activity or profitable, but I won't have regrets to the end that I didn't try to exercise my writing skills.
Only the time will say me if it was a good decision or not.
Till then, let's work! :)